In 2021, the Flavio Galo Marimba and Guitar School celebrated its 25-year anniversary!
Here are several things and loving messages that will forever help us remember and celebrate this huge milestone.

Friends, thank you so much for your greetings!
Concert by our Guitar Ensemble
During our 25th-year anniversary, our Guitar Ensemble had the opportunity to be a part of a great project! Our Guitar Ensemble recorded a short concert, which later turned into an album that was launched on music streaming platforms.
Below, you can watch the concert, and then you can click on the right to stream the songs at your leisure. Enjoy!
Our invaluable team
The Flavio Galo Marimba and Guitar School could not have kept its doors open for 25 years without our incredible team of directors, teachers, and student-instructors. The team has certainly changed a bit throughout the years, but it will always be an invaluable part of this music school. Thank you all for your hard work!

End-of-the-year class performances
Our 25th anniversary means 25 years of existence, and that, in turn, means 25 years of training and nurturing new musicians. We are incredibly thankful for the privilege of having been part of the musical training of so many people. Our hope is that this endeavor will multiply itself and forever leave its mark on the history of Nicaragua's culture.
Below, you can see the 2021 end-of-the-year performances of each class in the Flavio Galo Marimba and Guitar School. ¡We hope you enjoy the talent of your sons and daughters, our amazing students! ¡We are so proud of them!
And don't miss the performance by our instructors at the end of the video where they pay tribute to the great marimba player Otoniel Flores Wong (may he rest in peace).